PNC Achievement Sessions
I got the wonderful opportunity to work with Deutsch in NYC to develop some videos for PNC Bank. Over the course of a few weeks, we knocked out six different videos. (Which, by the way, everyone should watch. Financial illiteracy is a real thing, people). For obvious proprietary reasons, these are not YouTube or Vimeo links, so clicking the images will take you to PNC's website.
Mobile Payments
This video took the longest because I had to build all the assets from the ground-up. Deutsch provided some basic creative direction and let me take it from there. I fiddled quite a while to figure out how to automate the "hand-drawn squiggly" feel, while allowing myself the freedom to move objects flexibly.
Talking Money with Your Honey
This video focused on talking about finance in relationships—sexy! I really got into the groove of using these really simple graphics in a fast-paced way, while still delivering an engaging and dense message. It helped that we'd go back-and-forth in storyboards before we'd really get rolling with the animation.
New Years' Financial Resolutions
I tend to buck a bit when graphics processes become too streamlined and cookie-cutter. With this video in particular, I wanted to mess with the hand-drawn-on-paper feel, and tried a few things that involved depth on the z-axis, to see how that would go. Deutsch and PNC were really cool about everything I experimented with.